Good maintenance is vital, no matter what kind of maintenance we are talking about. Pyelbar Lokchey Private Limited provides Annual Maintenance Contact (AMC) to businesses ranging from Institutions & Offices, Private and Government buildings, Football stadiums, etc.
Some of Advantages of our Annual Maintenance Contact are:
- Continuous updates/upgrades to the system ensuring optimal performance and productivity,
- Long-term cost savings in appliances purchase and function,
- Expertise knowledge base,
- Preventative maintenance (goal: no breakdowns),
- Quick response (if breakdowns),
- Increased longevity of appliances,
- Expert technicians available to answer the tough questions,
- No coverage lapses,
- No hourly/point wise charges for service,
- Keeps Company on time and in compliance.
Our previous AMC clients includes Bhutan Football Federation (Changlimithang Stadium and Changjiji Stadium) and Paro College of Education.